Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thank you very much for all your support

I want to let you know that I'm very grateful for all your support prayers an love, thank you
very much for all your thoughts love an care, that's is sunshine in my life Mil gracias por todo el carino y las oraciones, Uds. son la mejor medicina que pueda tener, los quiero mucho besitos love Maggie


  1. Good Morning Bob and Maggie...and Lulu and Dolly,

    Have a wonderful day today!...Your blog is just had to be that way, as you have so much to give and share, and because of that so much love from all of us who know you, not a lifetime, but from the first moment we met you both (well the 4 of you...don't want any misunderstandings with Lulu and Dolly!!).

    Maggisita, your paintings: QUE COLORES!!!!! son bellos, los veo y me dan unas ganas de pintar!!!
    Tengo muchisimas ganas de ir a visitarlos (ademas Bob me ofrecio una plantita de aji...)pero aqui con mi Steve que esta con una tos atroz...ayudate que te ayudare (tu me entiendes Maggisita) asi que mejor espero que se le pase antes de ir por tu casa.

    If it rains today-again- let's enjoy has its beauty...though Lulu and Dolly might not agree with us on that one.

    Maggisita, come bien sano y rico para que te sigas fortaleziendo (humm, fortaleziendo...con "z"?...que importa!)



  2. Sorry, I forgot something:

    We need a picture of Dolly and Lulu as creen?



  3. As you may have noticed, I've been reading all the back postings and am adding a few of my own. We miss both of you. Hey, Maggie . . . you will always be the sunshine in our lives! Bob, you are a pretty sunny guy, too. :-)
