Monday, July 19, 2010

Were Back

Here's the latest news from Maggie & Me I don't know were to start, I think I'll go with the latest and go back into the last 6 months a little at a time. When we got home from Peru Mag had her scans and blood work and they all came back negative for all the cancer, she is free from  that worry.
But it seems there was another problem there was a bulge in her abdomen the Doc said it was a hernia from her first operation, and that it would have to be repaired..............
Into the hospital we went ,along with our good friends Raul & Mirtha, Iris & Cholo, early one morning.
Well as the renown thinker of our time said   " Golly,and Shazam" The Doctors fond Two hernias one on each side, they repaired both, the biggest with a screen ,the other sewn from the inside. The Doc's told us it would be very painful well for once he was right, she has had a lot of pain. Ten small holes and two larger , she is truly a holey person. It's been two weeks and she is up and about, still a lot of pain . Well till next time...........
                                      Maggie and Bob


  1. Sorry to hear about the surgery - but the clear scans and good blood work is great news~!

  2. How did Mari beat me with a comment? LOL!

    Glad to see you blogging again, and glad to hear that Mag's is all patched up!

  3. I dont know where my comments went, they dissapear, oh well... the important thing is that Maggicita is doing very well, thanks God....oxoxoxoxoxo for both of you, your always friend......NELLY from L.A., Calif.
