Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Down hill

Well today isn't to good for Mag ,she feels very week and sometime nauseated she has one more day of radiation, and one more shot for her white blood cells. All the Doctors say these next two weeks are gonna be worst, than the first 6. Now it's going to take time for her body to rid itself of the poison she has been given . They say she must rest , but it's hard for her to stop going. Mag will get better, she has the spirit, and the want to ! Love Mag & Bob


  1. The Dr's can tell you it's going to be worse, but till you experience it, it's all words. BUT...my strong sister in law will triumph! She has the spirit, and the prayers of all of us who love her.
    I can still see her demonstrating a Peruvian dance for me in your Glendor kitchen...soon she'll be dancing again. Who knows...maybe we'll dance together!!

  2. I'm sorry to hear she is having a hard time. But, her body is fighting and she'll soon start to feel better.

  3. Poor dear Maggie . . . I know she will get better, but it breaks my heart what she has to first go through. Love & prayers for both of you!

  4. Hang in there Mag-better days are ahead/ Praying for you.

  5. Will be praying for extraordinary strength these next two weeks for your precious wife. May she learn the art of resting and allow healing to take place in her body. Blessings.

  6. Praying, our Maggie will regain her strength...I know, she has a strong will and it's hard to for her to stay idle but rest she needs. Feel better soon Dear Maggie.
    Love you both!

  7. We went to the Iglesia de San Blas in the city of Cusco today, and we prayed for you, so that you feel better soon. We left a special request (a little written note) by one of the altars so that God heals our Dear Maggie and continues to give strenght to both of you. We did the same at the Iglesia de Santo Domingo.

    We all agree that you have amazing stamina...but it is SO important that you take care of your body and REST.

    You are loved and thought of despite some distance.

